Miyerkules, Pebrero 20, 2013


hanging cast -  for the fx of the shaft of the humerus
functional arm cast - for the fracture of the shaft of the humerus withe callus formation; flexion and extension is allowed
shoulder spica - fx of the humerus and shoulder joints
airplane - fx of the humerus and shoulder joints
short arm circular cast - fx of wrist and fingers
short arm posterior mold - fx of the wrist and fingers with open wound
long arm circular cast -  fx of radius and ulna
munster or fuenster's cast - fx of radius and ulna with callus formation
long arm posterior mold -  fx of radius and ulna with open wound
rizzer's jacket - for scoliosis; fx of thoraco-lumbar spine
minerva - hanging blouse; for scoliosis but specifically in the upper dorsal cervical spine
1 1/2 hip spica - fx of 2 hips and 1 femur
double dip spica - fx of 2 hips and 2 femur
long leg circular cats - fx of tibia and fibula
long leg posterior mold - fx of tibia and fibula with open wound
basket cast - with sever leg trauma with open wound and ventilation
cylindrical leg cast - fx of the patella
quadrilateral/ischial weight bearing cast - fx of the shaft of femur with callus formation
cast brace - fx of teh distal 3rd of the femur and proximal 3rd of tibia and fibula with callus formation
boot leg cast - for fx of the hips and femur, for post polio with knee contracture
patellar-tendon bearing - fx of tibia and fibula with callus formation
delvit cast - fx of distal 3rd of tibia and fibula with callus formation
boot leg posterior mold - fx of hip and femur with open wound
boot cast - fx of the hip and femur
internal rotator splint - for post hip operation
collar cast - fx of the cevical spine
single hip spica - fx of 1 hip and 1 femur
pantalon cast - fx of the pelvic bone
1 1/2 hip spica posterior mold - fx of 2 hips and 1 femur with open wound
double hip spica posterior mold - fx of 2 hips and 2 femurswith open wound
body cast - fx of lower torso-lumbar spine
frog cast - for congenital hip dislocation
single hip sipca postreior mold - fx of pelvic bone with open wound
night splint for - post polio

Martes, Pebrero 19, 2013

1. Coma- a clinical state of unarousability or unresponsiveness to any internal or external stimuli.
2. increased intracranial pressure- an increased in the normal value of 5-15mmHg
3. Epilepsy- chronic disorder characterized by recurrent and unprovoked seizure (seizure is an abnormal muscular contraction due to an abnormal electrical activity of the brain
4. stroke- sudden loss of brain function resulting from disruption of blood supply
5. Parkinson's Disease- a progressive neurologic disorder that affects movement resulting from degeneration of substantia nigra
6. Huntington's Disease-  a progressive autosomal dominant hereditary resulting from degeneration of certain nerve cells
7. Alzheimers' Disease- a progressive degenerative neurologic disorder characterized by memory loss, impared judgment, and personality changes.
8. Guillian Barre Syndrome- acute autoimmune disorder that destroys the myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves.

Martes, Pebrero 12, 2013

Altered level of consciousness

altered level of consciousness is not a disorder but a symptom of a particular disorder

Coma-a clinical state of unarousability and unresponsiveness to any internal or external stimuli, it can last for days, weeks, months or years

CAUSES include neurologic (brain injury, stroke), metabolic (DKA, renal failure), toxicologic (drug overdose, alcohol intoxication)

because of causes there will be a disruption of the cells of the nervous system that will cause a faulty impulse transmission that will result to ALOC

-there will be an alteration in pupillary response (negative PERLA- pupils are equal, regular, round in shape, and reactive to light and accommodation). the pupils will be fixed and dilated.
-alteration in eye opening response, verbal response, motor response, and behavioral response.

It can be diagnosis by using glascow coma scale and by complete assesssment of the nervous system

*if the comatose patient has an abnormal pupillary response the cause is neurologic
visualization procedures include x-ray, CT scan and MRI

*if the comatose patient has a normal pupillary response the cause metabolic or toxicologic
Liver function test include:

-maintain patent airway
level 2 and 3 - position the patient semi fowlers
level 4 - mechanical ventilation and intubation
-protect the patient- raise the padded side rails
-maintain fluid and nutritional balance- hydration, IV therapy, ngt, ogt, tpn, ppn
-provide oral and skin care - wet cottonballs, turn patient side to side and stretch the linen
-maintain normal body temperature
-maintain corneal integrity - administer artificial tears as prescribed, aplly eye patches
-maintain bowel and bladder integrity
-manage complications (pneumonia, aspiration, pressure ulcer, respiratory difficulties)

Linggo, Pebrero 3, 2013

There's noting you can achieve if you don't move and experience some mistakes. Remember that you can learn from your mistakes and make it as a motivation for you to succeed.